

目前顯示的是 4月, 2014的文章

關於gsutil crcmod error問題

在stackoverflow上回報後,很快地收到了Mike的回覆: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23368191/compute-engine-use-gsutil-to-download-tgz-file-has-crcmod-error The object you're trying to download is a composite object ( https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/composite-objects ), which basically means it was uploaded in parallel chunks. gsutil automatically does this when uploading objects larger than 150M (a configurable threshold), to provide better performance. Composite objects only have a crc32c checksum (no MD5), so in order to validate data integrity when downloading composite objects, gsutil needs to perform a crc32c checksum. Unfortunately, the libraries distributed with Python don't include a compiled crc32c implementation, so unless you install a compiled crc32c, gsutil will use a non-compiled Python implementation of crc32c that's quite slow. That warning is printed to let you know there's a way to fix that performance problem: Please run: gsutil help crcmod ...

gsutil in google compute engine setup

關於GCE上面主機的crcmod錯誤... 目前尚不知道原因為何...(目前觀察都發生在有壓縮檔案的部分) 不過在gsutil工具上可以先透過/etc/boto.cfg上面加上check_hashes = never來略過crcmod的檢查... 錯誤發生: $ gsutil cp gs://mybucket/data.tgz . Copying gs://mybucket/data.tgz... CommandException: Downloading this composite object requires integrity checking with CRC32c, but your crcmod installation isn't using the module's C extension , so the the hash computation will likely throttle download performance. For help installing the extension, please see:   $ gsutil help crcmod To download regardless of crcmod performance or to skip slow integrity checks, see the " check_hashes " option in your boto config file. 修改boto設定 $ vi /etc/boto.cfg [GSUtil] default_project_id = 429100748693 default_api_version = 2 check_hashes = never ...

Google Cloud DNS使用記錄

DNS是網際網路服務上不可或缺的一項服務,Google Cloud Platform上當壖也不能缺少這個服務... 果然在今年度問世了... 這邊介紹整個操作與設定的過程... Zone的管理 建立DNS Zone peixindeMacBook-Pro in ~/Downloads ○ → gcloud dns managed-zone create --dns_name=" gcp.arecord.us ." --description="A zone" "gcp-arecord-us" Creating {'dnsName': 'gcp.arecord.us.', 'name': 'gcp-arecord-us', 'description': 'A zone'} in easelifes-gcp-project Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y {    "creationTime": "2014-04-24T11:32:03.853Z",    "description": "A zone",    "dnsName": " gcp.arecord.us .",    "id": "1595320562141013743",    "kind": "dns#managedZone",    "name": "gcp-arecord-us",    "nameServers": [        " ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com .",        " ns-cloud-d2.googledomains.com .",     ...